Class 3: Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory


Slides (PDF)

Class 2: Why do we need causal inference?


Slides (PDF)

Class 1: Introduction, Causation


Everyone wanting to be in the class should:

  1. Submit the MMM Pre-Semester Survey
  2. Join the Course Slack
  3. Start forming a team for Project 1 (you can use the #teaming channel in slack to find teammates). Your team should be 2 Econ majors and 2 CS majors. (If you don’t find a full team, we will help form teams at Thursday’s class.)


Slides (PDF)

Beginning of Semester Survey

Please submit this survey to register for the class:

(You should do this if you want to take the class, whether or not you are officially enrolled in it now.)


Welcome to the website for the joint Economics/Computer Science course, Markets, Mechanisms, and Machines.

More information will be posted here soon. For now, you can get a rough idea what the course will be like by looking at the Spring 2019 version of the course.

Final Projects

You can see the final projects from last year’s class here: You’ll have more time for the final project this year than they did, and we have higher expectations for what you’ll be able to do, but several of the projects there are quite

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